Solving the Content Crisis: Content Creation & Delivery to Enable Personalized Experiences at Scale
Date & Time
Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Brandon Bruno

For most companies, content is the foundation of their marketing strategy and execution. And the proliferation of generative AI tools means content organization and governance is more important than ever.

The Content Crisis revolves around the overwhelming challenge organizations have in meeting the content demands of multiple channels. These challenges are found throughout the entire content lifecycle: from planning, ideating, authoring, collaborating & reviewing, curating, managing, personalizing and distributing, to measuring its effectiveness.

With content velocity, volume, and expectations rising, it is clear that its production is not very streamlined or optimized – making scaling to meet greater demand difficult. You can’t just solve this crisis by working harder. You need a plan, a process, and technology to help you deliver.

From this session you will take away:

  • How to best deliver personalized digital content at scale
  • Best practices for optimizing content performance.
  • Approaches to streamline processes and facilitate collaboration​.
Location Name
Room 2
Session Type
Breakout Session
Session Topic
Skill Level